About Us

I have been a medical practitioner since 1977, and worked in different specialities of medicine. I have taken a post graduate medical qualification , Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons ,FRCS in the UK. Following a long and varied medical career, most recently as a private general practitioner, I retired in September 2019.

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The Private Doctor

Dr George

Dr.C.J.George FRCS

He has been a medical practitioner since 1977, and worked in different specialities of medicine. After taking MBBS in India, he pursued post graduate medical qualification and was awarded Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons ,FRCS in the UK. Following a long and varied medical career, most recently as a private general practitioner he retired in September 2019 to lead a life with less stress while keeping himself busy. He earnestly believed in serving the public with his medical knowledge. Since Covid -19 pandemic started ravaging the community, he realized that the access to information regarding health has become more difficult. He thought, he would share his knowledge to help people.

He applied for voluntary erasure of his registration with General Medical Council in November 2022. Therefore, he has no registration with the GMC, and the service will not cover management or treatment of any healthcare condition.During Covid period he had numerous calls from people to help them solve their burning healthcare queries. Many of his previous patients with whom he keeps in touch appreciated his service in this regard.